I never liked the "Bad Boys"

A few weeks ago my friend asked me about my favorite bad boy for a show she was creating and no names came to mind. It got me wondering about the guys I've liked in my life. I never found the thugs and bad boys attractive in school. There was never anything appealing about the cute class clown that got crappy grades.

My first example of a man was my daddy and he wasn't no thug. My dad was a man of few words, but a gentle giant. I was definitely a daddy's girl growing up and into his arms I'd run when I'd get scolded or disciplined by my mom. I could remember riding around with my dad in his shiny blue pick up truck and he'd take me to buy my ballet/gymnastic outfits. My dad was a singer, painter, graphic designer, and hair stylist. Christmas time was always exciting because he'd put up custom made decorations in our yard. Perfectly sculpted and painted candy canes lined our front yard with lights in addition to a life sized snowman.

My dad was the blueprint of who I'd always hoped my future husband would be. As early as I could remember most of the guys I liked were quiet. It was the poet or the smart quiet guy in my class. He was the guy who didn't speak much, but got good grades in class. There was the guy who I'd notice during lunch at King Drew Medical Magnet who was mysterious and never really spoke. I noticed them even if they didn't notice me back.

The closest I got to a rebel was my college crush freshman year. I could remember before going off to school telling my cousin/BFF that I wanted me a "well educated college brotha" and then I saw him. He still wasn't the bad guy, but I was intrigued by the way he spoke with so much passion in my black culture class. I only call him the rebel because he was always protesting about something- hell he's probably somewhere marching right now to this day. He was like the Huey P. Newton of CSUN. I would sit in class alert listening to him speak and I could remember having things to say in class, but being too shy to speak up because I just knew if he noticed me I'd probably start stuttering or say something silly.

I can remember being at this taco night event on Crenshaw with my Asian homegirl one time. Leave it to the cute little Asian girl to drag me out to some hood event with her. I can remember this hood guy trying to talk to me and I put on the most white washed voice I could muster up in order to turn him off. My voice was so high and obnoxious over the music while he kept asking why I was talking like I was. Eventually he got the hint and left me alone. I still giggle in my head thinking about it. Growing up I always had the biggest crush and fascination with Common because I thought he was just so deep. I can remember being so intrigued by his flow. The nice guys were always my weakness. I always wanted a man that could teach me something. Listening to a man who was well versed just did something to me. The bad boys were never my thing. So I guess the question remains, who is your favorite bad boy since I can't think of any?


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