Inspiration for the slow start up

Today while listening to the audiobook for the Power of Broke, I found out that Coca Cola only sold 25 bottles of soda in the first year. I hope that motivated you as much as it did me. It's been seven months since I self published The Commandments of Womanhood and I've only sold two copies so far. Two copies isn't what I anticipated, but I'm learning to celebrate the small victories. It's amazing that two people believed in my product enough to purchase my book.

If you have a business and it's not doing so well initially do not let that discourage you from continuing your pursuit. Come up with fresh and new innovative ways to market yourself while ceasing every opportunity to put yourself out there. Eventually it will pay off. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither were any other great wonders of the world. Keep at it and you'll get to that finish line.

While in Miami at the airport last month, I overheard a young woman complaining on the phone about how she didn't have anything to read. I used that as an opportunity to give her my book as I was making my way down to my gate to check in. It was the only copy I had, but I wanted to get it into the people's hands that I was trying to reach. I figured if she enjoyed it she could lend it to a friend and so fourth.

Growing your dreams is about planting the little seeds. You may not always create a good harvest on what you plant initially, but if you remain patient while continuing to water your vision eventually that dream will flourish. Don't be discourage because we live in a time when people get quick success through our viral social media era. Regardless of that, if they don't stand for something important and have the work ethic to pursue greater they eventually fall off. It always happens and the proof is in the pudding. The buzz may continue for a bit, but microwave success doesn't always last forever. Every dog has it's day. Consistency, dedication, and hardwork is what truly counts in the end. With that and faith there is no way you can't win!

Oprah was told that she wasn't a fit for television, but she went on to become the queen of talk show television eventually becoming a billionaire! Stephen King nearly gave up on his writing career altogether and threw his novel in the trash. His wife retrieved it and encouraged him to continue, now he is probably one of the most successful authors of our time! Keep going. I know it's hard and sometimes you may wonder if it's even worth it, but it does pay off. I've been discouraged and tried to give up the towell so many times, but when it's destiny you can't seem to leave it alone. I challenge you all to continue to follow your dreams and mark my words amazing things will happen. 


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