Welcome to Trollsville

I wonder if people would've been so excited for the world wide web if there had been a disclaimer initially. Picture it : "The  Internet", a place where everyone is a self proclaimed therapist, activist, or guru and people give their unwarranted opinions without being asked; users discretion advised. Could you imagine? Not that it would've mattered, but a warning would've probably been nice.

The internet and social media has given people the ability to literally say anything and everything on their mind. So long are the days when people lived by " If you don't have anything nice to say..." because we are in a time when everybody says any and everything. What I've come to realize is that behind every mean spirited comment there is an unhappy troll and behind that unhappy troll account there is a miserable person fighting some deep rooted insecurity. I mean think about it, who really has the time to evoke their judgement on a stranger whom they've never met? I know I don't. I make it a habit to say encouraging and uplifting words on just about everybody's page I comment on.

Regardless of your following or status, that one crappy comment can still have the ability to make even the most positive person annoyed. It seems like a negative comment tends to linger in your mind far longer sometimes than the positive ones. It's easy to say ignore it, but sometimes you tend to forget and let your emotions get the best of you.

It's beginning to seem as if people have gotten so comfortable behind electronics that they've lost a bit of their humanity. Some of the things people say can be so cruel and outlandish it's down right ridiculous. Those are the moments when you have to just take a step back and unplug from this matrix like alternate reality. The next time a troll tries to come at you hit them with the "I pray you feel better". It'll drive them nuts, but when you don't reply anymore they'll have no other choice than to argue with themselves. Stay strong my friends because you never know when a troll is lurking.
