
She was Instagram famous and her naked body often danced across fan pages while some thought she was courageous. Sex appeal contagious, while many admired merely smitten and elated.

Once upon a time I considered her my sister and I was always there to constantly uplift her.

We'd often lay back, write, and daydream as my energy inspired. Future brighter and I saw that white light in her.

The "Big Homegirl" that she'd often tweet, but none of them popping friends got to meet.

Soul mates cuz our souls seemed the same, but our stories were written slightly different with only a few details missing. My scars on my wrist were faded while hers were deeper and slightly raisin.

Magical scorpio sisters with minds shinning brighter than the magic between our thighs. I wonder if she knew that, but maybe she was too busy giving out more love than she was giving back- to herself.

She'd rather chase them men that made her cry than find comfort in her greatness and realize. I saw me in her and sometimes spiritually I felt like her fairy God mother. I simply wanted to protect her and never see no one neglect her.

I massaged her back through labor as she silently cried. Held her hand as we ushered in her little angel of life.

Constantly the voice of reason while everyone around her was always committing treason. I promised myself that unlike everyone else, I was never leaving and I'm not, but sometimes you gotta love from a distance.

Always there when it mattered the most, but no one was around when I was laid out comatose. Dying inside as I was trying to provide. Just an empath that started to get lost inside.

She was my sister and spirit twin, she was supposed be different. She knew my heart and she knew my scars.

My energy was dimming while I was steadily uplifting.

I still pray for her, but I gotta stay away from her because my light was dimming trying ignite her fire while she just kept blowing her light out. One day I just ran out of the matches that I kept trying to reignite.

I was my sister's keeper and pray that my light is still beneath her- holding her up. I was the peace and she was the love so it pains me that I probably won't be around to see her beautiful daughter grow up. I wanted be that inspiration, but somehow I just got lost in the rotation. Maybe one day our souls will meet again and she'll return the favor by igniting fire through another like her sister and fairy God Mother.


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