A Miraculous Encounter

Some can say that true alignment stretches you in more ways than you can even fathom and after the year that I've had, I can definitely attest to that. I feel like I've saw more spiritually this year than I could've ever imagined even in my wildest dreams. Nakedly walking outside the Las Vegas airport on the 6th of June, I bared my soul carrying the pain of my loved ones as my cross. Looking straight ahead, salt water streams cascaded down my cheeks as I felt several eyes looking at me. Was this how Adam and Eve felt when the forbidden fruit opened their eyes up to the perception of good and evil? Focusing on God, I looked straight ahead prepared for wherever the rest of this journey would take me. When I said I didn't mind looking crazy for God, I didn't know I'd end up naked and barefoot outside of an airport looking like a mad woman. One by one, people in uniforms asked me questions as I began putting on my black dress. Strapped on a gurney, I looked up at the sky as the sunlight pierced my eyes wondering if God had foresaken me. They laid a white sheet over my entire body as if I was dead and the silence in the ambulance was as loud as a flatline. Removing the sheet from my body slowly, a paramedic began asking me a series of questions until we arrived at our destination. Out of the ambulance they rushed me into an emergency entrance.

During those three days that I'd spent in that hospital, the Lord showed me so much truth. sat in amazement on a gurney as people moved swiftly around me reenacting stories from the bible right before my very eyes. In those moments every doubt that I'd ever had in the back of my mind washed away. While I getting my vitals checked prior to begin admitted, I saw a man who appeared as if he was dead on a bed across the room. When I asked the nurses if he was okay they nonchalantly said he was fine, but he looked the total opposite. His face and clothes were dirty, but he had on nice black dress shoes. As I walked over and got a closer look at the man I noticed that he had green coming from his nose. Tears streamed down his face as I placed my hand upon his head. Days later Jesus took physical form within that same man. My mind was blown and everything that I had seen this year leading up to this moment suddenly came full circle. From the footsteps that appeared in my apartment to the auto correct that kept appearing on my phone every time I tried to text while I was at the airport. Every story that I'd heard and read in the bible was true. He came into my room and he told me to go ask for a bible. For the three days that I was held there against my will I fasted and prayed. Periodically, Jesus would come into my room and tell me what scriptures to read. On the day that I was being released he came in my room one final time and talked to me. To believe in evidence not seen is one thing, but to actually be in the physical presence of The Messiah is absolutely mind blowing. I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face as I thought of every sacrifice he'd made for me even during the times where I wasn't worthy and ungrateful. Jesus is the star that matters more than any celebrity.

For months, I've tried so hard to figure out a way to write about this experience and I couldn't find the words. To be quite honest, I still can't because I've seen so much far more than I could even write or try to explain. When I felt God shifting me to new places it was such a difficult task because it required me to leave behind everything that I thought I knew. The isolation period is difficult because it required me to leave behind friends and even family that I love so much. There was so much that I was experiencing in my walk with Christ that I couldn't explain and all I could do was trust his provisions. There was such a pull to give everything away and just follow him so that's what I did. I gave away just about everything I owned including my apartment/Iphone/clothes, got an old galaxy prepaid, and brought me a one way plane ticket. Things don't just happen overnight, but when I get discouraged I think about everything that I've experienced this year and I know that God has a plan for me whether I can always see it clearly or not. Speaking from experience I know that we've all had times when things around us didn't quite seem to measure up at first to what we were promised. Those are the times when we have to lean on our faith the most because even when we count ourselves out things are always working for our good. 


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