Featured Baltimore Poet: Shateara

Mistaken Identity

I've been disguised as the wise...
to fool and blind thyne eyes...
to make thou realize...
that loves existence isn't always the prize...
now take your seat and be sure to preserve these heeds...
because this could be your very storyline in the beam on repeat...
I'm here but not so near... 
I'm that exact hidden fear you've reared...
you've ran surprised you can but I'm better then ever my dear...
ya see I've created your very assumings... 
I've lied and left you for ruinings...
but because your easily persuaded... 
now I'm left in charge to damage what your cradling...
you've let me see your reasons...
an in return I've kept you breathing...
but I am worth your life...
and it's you who's given me that right
you seem to know no better...
but how could you when I'm here forever???....
I've warned you through the tauntings...
I swore I'm not your belongings...
but these signs you refused as alarmings...
now your trapped and dependent on me...
see...yet again I deceive to appease your pleads...
you just don't seem to learn...
no matter how many times you've been burned...
your losing focus on you...
and I'm the blame for that part too...
I'm love to all that's aware...
but most seem to forgotten my goods are rare...
they swear I'm to whom is bared...
but only the blessed gets exposed to my layer...
remember the levels to this trip...
your blind but your memory's are encrypt...
my masks aren't meant to be unzipped...
you live systematically... 
on that blame game you've learned to succeed... 
that's entirely all on you...because it is you've who've excepted defeat...
my duty isn't questionable... 
I taught and haunt until your full...
and because my name is love...Lol...you except those regrets I adore...
you yearn me so so much...
when let down you results is to cut...
I'm worthy of your suicide...
because you love me way more then yourself my delight...
I soak all into your skin with this wrath...
it's to your allowance as to how I'm able to betray you so often that it last...
why can't you see that all of me isn't the best...
you became so desperately immune to creating your very own definition of our situation that your settling for less...
your so very constipated with needs...
now your stuck and confused only due to your lost cause which I applaud of love greed...
so your locked and in this box...a slave shunned in this cave left unfreed...
yet once more who's only left to blame... but me...say my name...
it's love...a.k.a the very one you've mistaken for Sane...

(Follow her on Ig: omg_iiboojeey )
